JRB is a designer toy creator/artist
The Mallow Bois are here! A three pack of bois with a range of emotions: SadMallow, AngyMallow and DisgustMallow.

Resin Cast toys
Welcome the SpoopyBoi! A ghastly creature that glows in the dark.

They really do be chonky
The Candy Colorway Chill Ass Boi
The Chill Ass Boi is my first run of designer toys, grab one or two or three, they're on sale now!
3D printing
3D printing has been a fantastic tool for bringing my creations to life, I design my characters with 3d modeling software and then I can “quickly” bring them into the real world through Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM) or Stereolithography (SLA)
I’ve really fallen in love with 3D printing, I’m able to quickly prototype designs and scale things up or down with ease. I’ve recently switched from FDM to SLA with my characters, I was hesitant at first due to the post processing but I think it is worth it. With FDM printing I would have to sand down my prints, prime them, then paint and sand over and over to get a smooth finish. Now that I’m printing with SLA after I wash and cure the prints I just have to start sanding (usually starting at 400 vs 120 with FDM) and work my way of the grits till I finish with a little buffing and polishing.
Overall I prefer SLA printing for the creation of my characters but both methods have there benefits, FDM printing is far more durable than SLA printing, but SLA always results in superior detail even when scaled down.

WIP Mega Chonkers Chill Ass Boi (FDM PLA ~10" tall)

FDM PLA Chill Ass Bois

FDM PETG Chill Ass Boi

The Chill Ass Boi SLA (sanded and polished) vs FDM PLA

SLA WIP Melted Chill Ass Boi

SLA ~30mm tall Melted Chill Ass Boi

The unnamed Boi FDM and SLA

Mega Boi FDM PLA

Big Boi SLA sanded and polished

The Boi maybe production size FDM PLA

Tiny Boi SLA sanded and polished

Tiny SLA Bois

Unnamed Boi, SLA glass beaded finish

Sadlads, SLA and glass beaded finish

Sadlad FDM PLA

SLA Mallow Bois

One-off/test castings

Cold-cast copper Melted Chill Ass Boi

Cold-cast Chill Ass Bois rusted iron and weathered copper

Cold-cast Chill Ass Bois rusted iron and weathered copper

Accidental EVA 01 colorway mini Chill Ass Boi GID ~46mm tall

Accidental EVA 01 colorway mini Chill Ass Boi GID ~46mm tall

Test colorfull Chill Ass Boi

Chrome effect melted Chill Ass Boi

Color test Chill Ass Boi

Metallic pigment test Chill Ass Bois

Galactic color test Chill Ass Boi
Metallic black color test Chill Ass Boi

GID blue sparkle test Chill Ass Boi

Boba Chill Ass Bois

Double-cast Chill Ass Boi with 3d printed skull

Double-cast Chill Ass Boi test #1 with hand sculpted skull

Double-cast Chill Ass Boi test #1 hand sculpted skull with blood drip and blood drip outer pour obscuring the view of the skull